Zoning Fee Schedule


New ConstructionSet Fee of $300
AdditionsMinimum Flat Rate of $100 Plus .10/Sq. ft (Maximum $300)

Business, Commercial, Industrial

New Construction and/or AdditionsMinimum Flat Rate of $300 Plus .10/sq. ft (Maximum $1500)

Accessory Uses

A) Outbuildings: Barns, Sheds, GaragesSet Fee of $50
B) Additions to Letter AboveSet Fee of $50
C) Inground PoolsSet Fee of $50
D) Decks, Fences, Retaining WallsSet Fee of $35
E) Permanent SignSet Fee of $35
F) Tower (TV, Radio Antennae)Set Fee of $35
G) Mobile Home ReplacementSet Fee of $35
H) Foundation and Subdivision Entry WallsSet Fee of $100

Hearing Fees

Zoning Commission$500
Board of Zoning Appeals$500

Lot Splits

One List SplitFlat Fee of $100
Each Adjacent Lot Split (Same Request)$25